Dr. David M. Scholer - Living with truth about enzyte Cancer, Prisoner of Hope

September 9, 2008 in Heroes | Tags: Dr. David M. Scholer | 3 comments


I just got word that my favorite seminary prof just died. I took every course this guy offered and begged him to let me be his research assistant. Dr. David M. Scholer is well-known for his course “Women, the Bible and the Church” and you can thank him for the stance I take today on God’s heart for women. The LA Times just did a great story on him - particularly about his courageous journey with colon cancer. Especially if you or someone you love has cancer, I really encourage you to listen to his final sermon which is linked at the bottom of the article.

This was sad news for Kristen and I, we were in their home many times. There are some professors who have no catagious zeal for their subject matter and at the end of the course you never want to talk about the subject again. Not so with David Scholer, he loved the New Testament, the Gospel of Luke in particular and his love for the Word sent me out of his class every day sharing what I just learned with everyone who would listen. I still go to my notes from his courses frequently.

I’m filing this post under heroes.

September 7, 2008 in My family/farm stuff | 6 comments


Fruitfulness - cantaloupe, potatoes, apples, green beans, acorn squash, corn, onion, carrots, tomatoes. The plan today was to can the tomatoes and make salsa and spaghetti sauce. But, we had a fireworks show come out from underneath one of the burners on our stove and now the stove doesn’t work at all.
Minutiae? Or, nation-shaping stuff. You decide.

September 1, 2008 in Blogging, Culture War, Missions, Pro-life, Regional interest | Tags: Dino Rizzo, Healing PLace Church, Hurricane Gustav, Voices Carry | 1 comment

I keep feeling the need (or guilt) to post here or at least keep reminding you that I am regularly posting on my other blog. Limited time and energy right now has restricted me to only post at my Voices Carry pro-life blog. I’m not giving up here, I promise, I won’t let too many days go by without something interesting here.
Of course we are all praying about Hurricane Gustav hitting New Orleans today. I have posted a substantial article on where God may be in all of this. I welcome feedback on that. If you want to send money to help, send it to my friend Pastor Dino Rizzo at Healing Place Church. You may recall he and Healing Place Church in Baton Rouge were major players after Katrina. We’ll see how it goes, we may send a work team too.

Lifelight was this past weekend here in Sioux Falls - billed as the nation’s largest Christian music festival. I only went for a couple hours Saturday. I did post last night on a couple of the extremist abortion supporters who crashed the Lifelight Festival. Pardon the title but the article is even more shocking… eat a queer fetus for Jesus.
These are a just few of the headlines that caught my attention today and my discussion starters.

One heart, one widow connect suicides of 2 men (I don’t think the woman is the common denominator. I’ve seen suicides flow generationally, in siblings, etc. I would love to hear from our deliverance ministry people/friends on this one… the spirit of death staying with a transplanted heart???)

Bible Courses Allowed, Not Mandatory for Schools (Some of you know that I have been on this for a couple of years and have said this may be the next matter I take up in our city and state. I welcome your involvement.

Vladimir Putin saves TV crew from tiger (I’m looking at Putin and the Tiger through a prophetic, symbolic lens. Interesting.)

‘Founders’ prayer violated Constitution as they wrote it’?? (Thank God for my friends at the Alliance Defense Fund.)

CNN poll shows no post convention bump for Obama (No comment.)
Pondering some headlines

August 25, 2008 in Blogging, Culture War, Humor, Pro-life | 2 comments

Of recent, my blogging energies have been diverted to the LIFE ISSUE. However, this morning I find myself pondering some headlines. Just pretend we are at the breakfast table, drinking some good joe, reading the paper. Your thoughts are welcome.

Italian Priest Organizes Beauty Contest for Nuns

Muslims begin to copy the megachurch multi-site model

Police cite church for praying too loudly

Tornado hits Denver on eve of convention

Faith-filled convention opens with prayer

What Saddleback’s Pastor Really Thinks About Politics

August frost hits Minnesota and Wisconsin

Church-Going Teens Have Higher GPAs

One legged NYC prostitute knocked from wheelchair dies

A couple local headlines…

No abortion ads in student directories

Kory and the Fireflies to appear at LifeLight Music Festival

A couple crazy video clips are in the news from the Olympics…

Weightlifting accident - elbow bends the wrong way

Cuban taekwondo athlete kicks ref
New CATG Blog - The River

August 21, 2008 in Blogging, Church at the Gate | Tags: The River | No comments


The River is ramping up for a strong start this fall. Check out their new blog.
Michael Phelps before Conception

August 21, 2008 in Pro-life | Tags: Michael Phelps, Personhood, Pro-life | No comments


Jeremiah 1:5 - “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you…“

Psalm 139:13-16 - “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.“

Cartoon Illustration by Patrick Moberg
HT: Jill Stanek
Coke now catering to Muslims

August 20, 2008 in Culture War | Tags: Coke, Islam | 6 comments

It’s doubtful they’ll be catering to us this Christmas (or Easter) dumping the polar bears and replacing them with nativity imagery or a cross. Pepsi anyone?

It wasn’t supposed to end like this.

August 14, 2008 in Revival | Tags: Lee Grady, Revival in Florida, Todd Bentley | 9 comments

Though some are probably smiling, I found it quite sad yesterday to hear about Todd Bentley getting separated from his wife. Thousands every day speaking word curses over him (that was the main point of all my blog posts on him) – a demonic full frontal assault all on a guy with a lot flaws and a lot of growth and maturity yet ahead of him. Ministry is extremely hard and even harder when you step out and get radical for God and the Kingdom. The devil plays hardball when it comes to ministry families. And, who knows what was going on with Todd, but so many ministry guys serve Jesus and let their wives serve them. We miss warning signals and convince ourselves that things are better than they really are.

I hope you are moved to pray for Todd Bentley and his family. The God who can heal bodies can certainly touch a marriage. The devil likes to claim victory but God may have something even greater up his sleave in terms of redemptive purposes here. It’s still about Jesus.

I really like Lee Grady and know him from when I had my book published with Strang. His commentary on this matter is good even though I take a different view at a number of key points. I resonated with his statement, “it wasn’t supposed to end like this.” But then again, God is big and can bring good out of bad and whether you do or not, God loves Todd Bentley.

I agree with Grady’s assessment that what we saw in Lakeland was “raw zeal for God” but disagree there was a wholesale casting aside of discernment. I’m sad because it’s a step back perhaps for a lot of people and those I was trying to temper in my posts will surely shift now from being scoffers to gloaters. Those who are already connecting dots between Bentley’s controversial teachings and practices and his marriage troubles will have trouble explaining to me why the wives of the more “orthodox” guys (like Pastor Charles Stanley) sometimes leave too. All eyes on Jesus and we’ll grow from this too.
Overcoming self-criticism

August 8, 2008 in Christian life | No comments

Good post today on Overcoming Self-Criticism from my eldest - Caleb. Check it out.

If you miss me, remember, I’m still posting more frequently here.
Convective Heat Burst hits Sioux Falls this AM

August 3, 2008 in End Times, Regional interest, Supernatural/Signs & Wonders | Tags: Convective Heat Burst, Elijah List, Global warming | 3 comments

08/03/2008 - KELOLAND NEWS
Early Morning Heat Burst Hits Sioux Falls
What meteorologists call a “convective heat burst” sent temperatures skyrocketing early this morning in Sioux Falls. Temperatures rose rapidly from the lower 70’s to 101-degrees between 4:15 and 4:45 am. A heat burst occurs when warm air from 10-thousand to 20-thousand feet above the surface is forced to the ground. The heat burst also brought strong winds that knocked down some power lines and trees in the Sioux Falls area.